Optimizing the Restaurant Industry with IoT

Today, all kinds of industries are adopting IoT technologies to streamline and strengthen their operations. In the past we’ve discussed IoT applications in the transportation industry and in office settings, and today we’ll discuss how IoT is now becoming a critical tool that’s transforming the restaurant industry. The implementation of IoT technologies within the food service industry is the most effective in a few key areas.


IoT Equipment Monitoring

First, IoT technologies can provide a restaurant owner with a comprehensive overview of the environment – the safety of this environment, its energy costs, and its waste management systems can all be monitored to create the optimal setting for day-to-day restaurant operations. Maintaining a high standard of food safety becomes easier with IoT monitoring devices that can record temperature changes and notify a manager if anything in storage is at risk of becoming unsafe. IoT can also give individuals the ability to reduce their energy costs through an automation process that avoids human error. As such, forgetting to turn the lights or HVAC system off is no longer as economically punishing. The aforementioned monitoring of food inventory also allows restaurant owners to manage food waste with ease and precision. An IoT device can collect data on an item’s temperature and its expiry date to keep managers in the know, allowing them to minimize food waste and maximize profits. This also grants insight into what items are typically wasted and which items need to be resupplied.


Streamlined Management with Remote Insights

The thing about IoT monitoring systems and these data-based insights is that you don’t even need to be in the restaurant to access them. Anyone who’s ever worked in the restaurant industry knows that it’s demanding work, and the ability for managers to keep an eye on things remotely can hugely impact work-life balance for the better. Having all this information at one’s fingertips creates more than just a streamlined managerial experience; these insights are what allow owners and managers to strategize the future of their business with data-based decisions. This is what IoT can do for those in the restaurant industry, but what’s it doing for their customers?


Ease Customer Pain Points with IoT

Well, you’ve probably noticed a few developments in customer experience over the past few years thanks to IoT. First, there’s the ubiquity of IoT-connected ordering apps which have become an essential component of a restaurant’s success – especially during the COVID pandemic. The popularity of these apps even facilitated the creation of “ghost kitchens,” those restaurants which are online-only and don’t feature any physical ordering or dining area. The increased level of personalization offered to customers is another unique benefit which has arisen from these IoT-based ordering apps.

Of course, there have also been changes to the dining-in experience of restaurant-goers. Cloud-based tools now allow patrons to pay their bills via their phone or similar wireless transmitters placed on the table. If you’ve been out lately, you’ve probably received an RFID tag while waiting to be seated. These “radio frequency identification” tags help to organize the waiting list and allow hosts to easily identify and seat customers. Over the past decade we’ve also seen the implementation of digital ordering systems, typically in fast-food establishments, which allow customers to pay and receive their order without interacting with staff members.

As IoT technologies continue to develop, we’re seeing increasingly more potential applications that would benefit the restaurant industry. For now, managers, owners, employees, and customers can all enjoy the advantages which are presently being offered thanks to IoT-connected devices. If you want to stay aware of these advantages and their developments, then contact us at Evolution Data. We focus on the innovative application of IoT technologies in all kinds of industries and can answer any questions you may have concerning the future of the IoT.

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