What Does 5G Technology Mean for IoT?

What is 5G, and what impact does it have on IoT? 5G ensures a better and more secure data transfer, and this is used in connecting new IoT applications and devices. The 5G speed can support new models for businesses and change the processes and performance of a business.

What is 5G?

5G deals with the use of the fifth-generation wireless technology. It is the next step in mobile communications, which has seen previous mobile networks mature i.e. from 2G to 3G, then to 4G. What 5G offers is high-speed connectivity and low latency.

What Benefits Does 5G Offer IoT?

With 5G, businesses can create new products or improve existing ones. The significance of IoT will continue to grow and affect on almost all industries.

Lower Latency

Latency is the elapsed time between when we give our device an order and when the action occurs. With 5G, latency is ten times less compared to 4G.

With this low latency and increase in sensors, you can control an industrial plant’s machinery, control remote transport and logistics, and control surgical operations on patients far away using instruments managed remotely.

Greater Transmission Speed

With 5G, transmission speed can reach 15 or 20 Gbps. With higher speeds, companies can have direct access to programs, files, and remote applications.

By using Cloud more often, all devices will save their internal memory and depend less on data accumulation. Also, installing many processors on objects is unnecessary because you can perform computing on the Cloud.

Network Slicing

5G allows the implementation of virtual networks and the creation of subnetworks to provide connectivity that can be adjusted to user needs.

These subnetworks give special characteristics to the network, and because it is a programmable network, users can prioritize connections.

Higher Number of Connected Devices

When 5G is involved there is a huge increase in the number of connected devices. Each connected device will gain access to instant internet connections and in real time, exchange information with themselves. This favors the internet of things.

Common homes are anticipated to have a hundred devices connected, all sending and receiving data in real time. For industrial plants, thousands of connected devices will be at play. This higher number of devices ensures the functioning of smart cities and autonomous cars.


The use cases of different IoT applications have improved our standard of living. With home automation, people can concentrate on their jobs and perform chores quickly.

Also, with the 5G technology, there will be improvements in productivity and a reduction in costs.

This is a connected world; a place where devices, data, and people seamlessly interact, thereby transforming how we work, live and connect. How can you make your company thrive, and what challenges are you facing? We’d love to know. Please leave a comment for the community.

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