Promoting the Digital Nomad Lifestyle with the right Mobile tools!

More and more members of the workforce and self-starters are diving into digital nomadism, and there isn’t much that’s more important to this innovative lifestyle than stable connectivity solutions. Whether you’re an entrepreneur whose work never keeps you in one place or you’re a valued employee facing remote placements, these tips can help you stay informed and stay connected wherever you’re headed.

The Hardware

First, let’s talk hardware. In this section we’ll go over the specific devices and accessories that separate an adept digital nomad from an amateur. These devices will help you maintain a stable connection wherever you go and ensure that you’re not breaking the bank paying for data plans.

Travel Routers (MIFI Hotspots)

If you’re a digital nomad, then a portable travel router is an indispensable tool to have at hand. With a travel router, you can always create a private Wi-Fi connection from a Sim connected unit while on the go. These Routers use some advanced Network hopping technology that allows you to connect to 100’s of international networks seamlessly. Some are even outfitted with Ethernet ports so you can plug in if the signal is weak or need a dedicated secure line. You can even get one that can charge USB devices or read SD cards. So, if you need International mobile Internet, then travel routers are the way to go.

Local SIM Cards

When it comes to Local SIM cards, you’ll need to do research on the specific areas you’ll be travelling through in order to find out which SIM card is the best choice or consult a trustworthy global service provider. With a local SIM card, you can leverage DATA only services (who uses voice now anyway ☺ ) to use popular messaging apps or set up a mobile hotspot to connect a laptop or tablet. Being able to create a mobile hotspot with your phone is a must when there isn’t a reliable Wi-Fi connection for miles.

Signal Boosters

A signal booster is another must-have for digital nomads. A signal booster will help you connect to those slightly out-of-reach or otherwise wavering connections.

The Software

Now that you know how to equip yourself for your digital journeys, it’s time to ensure that you’re familiar with the type of software that will make the most out of your nomadic lifestyle. We’ll also remind you of some of the practices that you ought to keep in mind while travelling through digital and physical space.


Slack provides you with a simple line of communication to your team when e-mails are unnecessary or too burdensome. Instead of crafting an e-mail, Slack lets you directly message your coworkers in a digital space where you can create different group chats and easily share documents. Slack is great for laidback communication, creating Google Hangout type calls, and sending GIFs or other stress-relieving visuals.


Upwork provides you with the opportunity to perform freelance work while at the same time giving you the option to hire freelancers yourself when you need a hand. If you need an inexpensive assistant or someone to help you write some copy, then Upwork could be the solution for you.


YouRoam is perfect for staying in contact with the people you need to, wherever you go, without the international costs. This mobile app allows you to retain your usual phone number and receive calls, but these calls are received over data or Wi-Fi. Accordingly, it’s the smart choice for messaging and calling when you’re going to be out of country for a short period of time. You also have the option of setting up a Voice over IP (VoIP) to allow you to conduct calls and messages with an internet connection, for longer stints abroad.


Cloak is just one example of a trusted VPN provider. Whether or not you go with Cloak, you’ll probably still want to invest in a service that can offer you a private VPN and secure your network connection.

Your Security

On the topic of security, let’s go over some tips that will help you stay safe as a digital nomad:

  • First off, you’re safest on secured and private networks so it’s always in your best interest to seek out these types of connections. (Secure Hotel Wi-Fi, not Coffee shop XYZ Wi-Fi)
  • Make sure that sharing is not enabled on your device when not necessary
  • Encrypt your internet activity with a VPN
  • Encrypt your passwords using a password manager
  • If you’re using public Wi-Fi or a connection that isn’t secure, don’t go to potentially vulnerable sites like those of financial institutions
  • If you are making an online transaction (whether you’re shopping or banking) make sure there’s a lock icon next to the HTTPS prefix. This lock icon means that the connection has Secured Socket Layer protection or SSL.
  • Be prepared to remotely wipe the data from your device if lost or stolen
  • In accordance with the previous tip, make sure your data is backed up into the cloud


Now that you’ve seen the hardware you need to stay online and the software required to always be in touch, you’re prepared to continue traversing the globe without having to worry about a loss of connection. As the world of IoT increases, this digital lifestyle is only becoming more viable. As such, Evolution Data’s IoT expertise and services can help you accelerate the projects you’ve taken on as a digital nomad. Consider contacting us today to stay secure and connected, wherever you choose to work

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