Evolution Data is looking for partners to work with who are interesting in selling SIM cards in the IoT market. The Internet of Things market is growing rapidly and presents great opportunities for you and your business.  The future of IoT and potential revenue is LIMITLESS.

The IoT Market is Soaring Up, Up, Up

As of today, there are an estimated 8.7 billion connected IOT devices globally. That is nothing to scoff at – but it does not even hold a candle to what’s in store.

That number is expected to increase to a whopping 24.5 billion connected devices by 2030. There are forecasts estimating that by 2025 there will be 152,000 IoT devices connected to the internet every single minute, and by then the estimated revenue from IOT related businesses will land between four to 11 trillion dollars globally.

We’re currently seeing eight top trends in the IoT sector. The increased adoption of IoT devices and increased levels of connectivity in these sectors present booming opportunities for those looking to get into the IoT market, yourself included!


The top eight IoT industry trends include:

  • Security and Secure Connectivity
  • Data Analytics
  • Software as a Service
  • Healthcare
  • Smart Connected Cities
  • Remote Management of Equipment and Services
  • Smart Home Technologies
  • Intelligent Manufacturing


These are the industries with soaring growth in the IoT market, but it’s certainly not an exhaustive list. IoT devices and connectivity are becoming increasingly relevant across the board, and as we continue to innovate, the possibilities only become greater.

Those who partner with us will enjoy a market that is growing by an impressive 25 – 30 percent year over year. Device adoption is increasing, with the current adoption of IoT devices among enterprises sitting around 93 percent. To break it down further, approximately 80 percent of industrial companies have adopted IoT devices into their business, and it’s forecasted that 90 percent of cars will feature IoT connectivity between 2020 and 2025.

The numbers don’t lie – the IoT market is an opportunity waiting to happen. We are looking for interested partners to join us to help us mutually tap into that potential together!


What Does a Partnership Entail?

As the IoT market is continuing to grow, getting in now and gaining the ability to sell IoT connections and devices to your customer base through our partnership will create significant revenue opportunities. Just think of creating an entirely new source of revenue for your business with all the support you need to succeed!.

All IoT device support will be managed and assisted by our team, so you’ve got nothing to worry about in that regard. We will support you as a reseller from a technology and hardware connection perspective, while also giving you tools to manage your admin and provisioning.

We will help you to control and manage any aspect of the SIM card, in accordance to the customer’s requests. We can restrict the data usage to ensure that the customer is never at risk to overspend, and we can manage where that SIM card is used, whether that is locally or globally.

As a partner and a reseller, you will gain access to over 180 countries of connectivity, a valuable addition if you are looking for a solution that is global. We have extensive experience in offering support via high speed and high bandwidth applications across Canada and the US – in fact, support with large data (100GB-6TB) users is often one of the most significant ways in which we can scale with our partners. BIG DATA can lead to BIG margins!


Connect With Us

Connect with us to connect your client base. If you’re interested in broadening your horizons and tapping into this booming market, Evolution Data is the perfect partner to help you along your way. Reach out to us today to discuss a partnership!

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