Transforming Workspaces: The Power of Intelligent Spaces for Comfort and Efficiency

As smart buildings and intelligent spaces become increasingly popular, it’s worth noting how such spaces can offer more improved occupant experiences, efficiencies, and even profits.

Since the construction of smart buildings is a relatively new concept, intelligent space technology is most often retrofitted into already-occupied buildings. This retrofitting can pose a challenge, but with LoRaWAN technology, facilitating intelligent spaces to increase the wellbeing of users is both cost-effective and rewarding.

Wirelessly connected low-power devices powered by IoT and LoRaWAN add significant functionalities while minimizing tenant disruption and boosting the profits of building managers. Even though LoRaWAN-enabled devices are economical and don’t require special permits for their easy installation process, they still provide excellent coverage which offers communication through metal, walls, and even concrete. So, what kind of applications do these devices offer once installed?

Flexible Workspaces with IoT-Enabled Smart Buildings

IoT and LoRaWAN support the novel ways in which we interact with the buildings and spaces where we live and work. For the office, prevalent applications improve desk and room sharing, predictive maintenance/cleaning, environmental controls, and energy usage.

With the ongoing digital transformation in all types of professions, an increased demand for efficient and flexible office space has been observed. Infrared (IR) sensors working with IoT make the increasingly popular practice of hot-desking and the prevalence of flexible short-term contracts possible. Hot desking lets employees find an adequate workspace to suit their specific needs on any given day. These employees can also reserve a specific space (such as a desk, workstation, collaborative space, phone bank, or conference room) via software applications to anticipate their workday. These applications even help occupants ensure collaboration with their peers by allowing them to reserve the same space or nearby spaces. Managers also benefit from these practices as they are presented with a total overview of space and energy usage as well as cleanliness levels. That’s right, specific IoT devices can help users identify which desks and spaces have most recently been cleaned (a demand popularized during the pandemic).

Hot desking also helps managers save costs and increase efficiency. Under hybrid work models, the ratio of workstations to employees can vary. This helps managers and owners recognize whether an office space can be minimized to save on rent and HVAC costs. Indeed, environmental sensors can automatically limit energy usage in unoccupied areas via temperature and lighting control. These types of environmental sensors also increase employee safety through air-monitoring systems which can track increased carbon dioxide and humidity levels. This ensures that occupants can get their work done in a comfortable space with enough fresh air to go around.

As the presence of hybrid work models, smart buildings, and intelligent spaces increase, employers and real estate owners are beginning to recognize how such IoT-enabled spaces incentivize employees and business owners as tenants. A sustainable, energy efficient, and automated work environment is an attractive offer to the up-and-coming workforce who has become accustomed to IoT-enabled processes and hybrid workflows. Creating a space with an individualized environment where cleanliness, comfort, and collaboration is ensured will soon become a must for future employers. Not only will these employers be promoting the health and wellbeing of occupants, but they’ll also benefit from the reduced costs facilitated by IoT’s sustainable and automatic processes.

If you want to learn more about how intelligent spaces are changing the professional lives of employees and managers, contact us at Evolution Data.

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