Top 3 options to manage mobile assets

As IoT-based asset tracking solutions become more prevalent, it’s important to gauge the differences between available solutions in order to identify the right tracker for your industry or business. The three primary categories of asset trackers include those which are satellite-based, Bluetooth-based, and those which rely on GPS/Cellular data.\

Satellite-Based Solutions

For international transportation, satellite-based tracking solutions are key. Able to operate even beyond the reach of cellular networks, satellite tracking lets an administrator monitor cargo and maintain visibility wherever they are. Low orbit satellite tracking is also the best bet in the face of natural or man-made disasters, where other tracking solutions may be affected. Although satellite tracking may sound like a pricey option, it’s actually fairly affordable due to the number of competing services offered.

Bluetooth-Based Solutions

The widespread and accessible offering of Bluetooth-based tracking solutions make them especially attractive to users looking to implement IoT trackers. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and radio frequency technologies leverage wireless communication to provide monitoring capabilities, analytics, and data insights. In 2010, a more energy efficient version of Bluetooth technology was introduced as BLE 4.0. Not only is BLE 4.0 more energy-friendly, it also fully integrates into wireless devices, smartphones, and wearables. As such, BLE offers users an ecological and economical answer to their security concerns. These adaptable trackers can be covertly fitted to all sorts of cargo while providing the type of insights which ensure safe travel and a maximized ROI.

GPS/Cellular-Based Solutions

These solutions offer dependable long-range connectivity and long battery life through low-power, wide area network (LPWAN) options. Right now, LPWAN trackers are an affordable option for logistics administrators and so it’s no surprise that they’re seeing mass adoption across industries. Since LPWAN tech doesn’t require a gateway, these asset trackers can begin operating without needing to develop an infrastructure. This is because these narrowband IOT trackers plug in directly to existing cellular networks. The downside? Opportunities for real-time monitoring are limited by network connectivity (unlike a satellite-based solution). However, if you need data insights regularly uploaded to the cloud, then a cellular-based solution may be best.

The best type of IoT-based asset tracker for any given business needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis to ensure that any specific needs are met. To figure out which of these trackers is best for you and your industry, consider contacting us at Evolution Data.


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