The traditional Internet of Things (IoT) typically consists of physical sensors transmitting and analyzing data to produce a more efficient and accurate result. So, what about the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT)?

What is IoRT? 

With the Internet of Robotic Things, the action taken by IoT-enabled systems is more apparent as robots take action in physical space. These robot devices are like traditional IoT devices insofar as they connect data inputs from various sources and analyze this data to determine their action, however the manipulation of objects in the physical world is typically more sophisticated.

A more specific breakdown of the architecture of IoRT highlights even further what makes it unique from IoT. This architecture is made up of three primary layers: the physical layer, the network and control layer, and the service and application layer. 

The physical layer collects and summarizes technical data to transfer to the network and control layer. In this layer, various controllers, servers, and routers integrate robots using communication and control protocols. This allows one robot to send relevant data to another. The final service and application layer is where edge computing takes place and user programs are implemented to monitor and process parameters in the robot’s smart environment. 

These layers are what give a robot the unique architecture necessary to carry out physical actions and sometimes even make decisions for itself based on historical data. But what are robots really doing with this sophisticated architecture?

IoRT Applications

Industrial Automation

In industrial settings, IoRT powered robots are capable of automating and streamlining manufacturing and maintenance processes. Automated manufacturing has been around for a while, but with IoRT, robots are able to adjust product parameters to meet changing consumer needs while facilitating uniform mass production. In the same manufacturing setting, other IoRT robots can autonomously identify and fix problems throughout the system to provide maintenance before it affects output. 

E-commerce and Fulfillment

E-commerce is becoming fully automated thanks to IoRT. You can place your order online and have that order delivered directly to a fulfillment center where a robot can locate the product, pack it, and take it to the shipping department. 


Using robot technology for physical security removes the risk put upon human operators by implementing robot guards that can integrate with camera feeds, proximity sensors, infrared sensors, and more to provide total security of assets. In the case of a disaster, similar robots can leverage this technology to provide support and deliver supplies to at-risk individuals and rescue personnel without risking the loss of human life. 


Patient monitoring combined with automated food and drug delivery systems can reduce error in healthcare systems while providing each patient with the focused care that they deserve. Even surgery is evolving thanks to IoRT, where robot-assisted surgery helps surgeons deliver the best care. 

Robots powered by IoRT can operate with sophistication within the physical environment to enact changes affecting efficiency, security, well-being, and more. However, IoRT is just once facet of the overarching IoT, a field bursting with potential and endlessly producing innovative solutions. To learn more about the multifaceted applications of IoT technology and how they can help you, reach out to us at Evolution Data.

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