Case Study: Driving NEW business revenue with Tablets, Data and MDM

Case Study: New Business revenue for GPS resellers


Through a partnership with Evolution Data, a few large GPS resellers we work with have been able to successfully offer new services to their clients, earning more revenue, and increase their overall product/service offering.

In this case study we’ll zoom in on our partnership with one particular GPS provider to showcase how we were able to help them in providing services and increasing revenue with their client in the transportation sector.

The Problem

Prior to partnering with Evolution Data, this GPS provider was struggling to find reliable suppliers for tablets which could then be deployed to their clients in the transportation industry. They were having problems with sourcing tablets, offering data sims for connectivity and helping client secure the data once in drivers hands. This was compounded by the fact that tablet services, was a value add and not a source of revenue.

The default was to point clients to buy from a wireless carrier, cutting the GPS reseller completely out of the transaction. The loss of a possible new revenue stream and control of the customer solution, put the reseller at a disadvantage and left them vulnerable to other parties that could offer an end to end service. The Sim card revenue alone, would add unrealized revenue that would otherwise go to the wireless carrier.


The Solution

Through our partnership, Evolution Data provided tablet sourcing, set up, mobile data SIM cards and device security software. The GPS reseller was then able to offer their client a full end to end service for their vehicles which was managed, supported, and provided by them, supported by Evolution Data.

The tablets were utilized for Geotab applications including electronic logbooks and other compliance documents.

Through the partnership, Evolution Data provided the tablets, the connectivity, the configuration, and continual support services. This allowed the GPS reseller to focus on driving their core services and leaving the tablets to the experts, but still keeping a piece of the revenue potential.


The Results

Evolution Data was able to help this GPS reseller enhance their existing services and offer new services to their client overall. The partnership allowed them to begin selling tablets directly to the transportation companies they work with, resulting in valuable new revenue streams.

Purchasing and servicing the tablets has resulted in a few new areas of revenue for the GPS reseller, through their newfound ability to:

  • Sell the tablet
  • Sell the connectivity for the tablet
  • Sell lockdown security applications for tablet

The partnership between Evolution Data and the GPS reseller allowed them to offer their clients a complete, end-to-end solution for their Geotab services, and better meet their clients’ overall business need. Since partnering with us, they have seen a15- 20% increase in revenue as a result of the new revenue streams mentioned above.

The Resellers clients now benefit through their increased control and cost certainty over the tablets and will feel comfortable deploying more to their drivers in the future. Locking certain functions on the tablets to ensure no unauthorized applications are being used (like Netflix) or YouTube Further protect the ROI for using tablets. Ultimately, the company benefits from a reliable solution with continued support, and a one-stop option for their Geotab and connectivity needs.


A Financially Secure Future is Yours!

This showcases one particular solution, and the results, that we have provided for one particular company. We have experience across a wide range of industries, crafting unique solutions for a wide range of problems. If you’re experiencing an issue regarding hardware sourcing, connectivity, or anything else IoT-related, we can help. Reach out today to discuss a partnership, and to start working on a solution To drive your ahead in the future!

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